International Buyers

International Buyers

Below terms are only applicable for overseas buyers who are living OUTSIDE Malaysia.

1.Mode of payment accepted: PAYPAL only. In either AUD or USD currency, depending on which our supplier wants.

2.PayPal Fee of 6% of the total bill is to be collected.

3.Postage Fee will be charge according to the mode of postage chosen eg. Poslaju/EMS. Detailed charges will only be confirmed upon receiving order.

4.Extra handling fee (10% of the total bill) is required as more procedures required.

5.No refunds will be made as our PayPal a/c does not have the refund function. Shall there be any occasion whereby we need to refund you money, it will be in either:
-RM in cash, to be mail back to you together with your parcel.
-use the refunds to purchase any of our instocks/preorders/sprees.
-keep the refunds with us for the time being and use it for your next order.

6.We, Miz Limited, shall reserves the rights to make any amendments to the Terms and Conditions at any point of time.